I did it!!! I managed to sneak off to my room on NSBD, this is the only LO I have gotten completed so far. I am hoping I will have energy after kids bedtime to get some more done. Even if not for challenges but for me :D. I cant believe how LONG it takes me to complete anything YIKES I had no chance of keeping up with all the challenges.
The basis of this LO are that people are constantly judging me on my age of being a mother based solely on appearance, (I an not nor was I ever a teen mom) as well as being a single mother.
So here is my LO for;
GutterGirlz "Mind your own buisness" for the title, used the file folder & "I'll do what I want" in my journalling.
Pink Stampers color challenge using brown and pastel
Scrapbook.coms me challenge
and finally
the sketch for this LO comes from 52 sketches
I am not thinking this is a fav of mine but it will "do"
Thanks for stopping by